Uniswap Foundation til at distribuere $1.8 Millioner i tilskud til 14 Modtagere

The Uniswap Foundation (UF), the group behind the decentralized exchange (dex) Uniswap, announced the first wave of foundation grants on Wednesday as it plans to distribute $1.8 million total, awarded across 14 grants. The UF announcement details that a touch more

Kædelyserapport siger $2.2 Millioner i krypto er blevet sendt til pro-russiske grupper i Ukraine

Ifølge en rapport, der stammer fra blockchain-efterretningsfirmaet Chainalysis, det identificerede firma 54 pro-russiske grupper, der har “samlet modtaget over $2.2 cryptocurrency for en værdi af millioner.” De paramilitære grupper i Ukraine modtog primært bitcoin- og etherdonationer, men fik også…

Hvorfor migranter henvender sig til krypto: Nøglen til at nå FN's mål om at reducere pengeoverførsler til mindre end 3% af den digitale valutaøkonomi med 2030

The cost incurred by African migrants or expatriates when sending funds via the so-called formal corridors remains way above the UN target of less than three percent, the latest data from the World Bank has shown. On the other hand, det…

$540 Millioner værd af 'sovende Bitcoins' fra 2014 Flyt — BTC muligvis knyttet til Cryptsy Theft

marts 29, blockchain parsers caught a sequence of 11 transactions totaling 11,325 bitcoin moving from unknown wallets created in 2014, to a great number of recipient addresses. desuden, the stash of bitcoin worth $540 million today is possibly linked to

Ukraine tager nu Polkadot, Siger, at det snart vil acceptere andre mønter

Har allerede rejst millioner af dollars i store kryptovalutaer som bitcoin, Ukraine modtager nu også donationer i polkadot. The country intends to expand the list of accepted coins as it increasingly relies on help from the crypto community to

Bank of Russia ønsker at begrænse kryptoinvesteringer ved at blokere kortbetalinger, Rapport afslører

The Central Bank of Russia is currently reviewing various ways to prevent Russians from investing in cryptocurrency. One the options on the table is to block card payments to certain recipients such as crypto exchanges, a media report has unveiled. EN…